🔧 Range Maintenance Closure 🔧

Attention shooters! Las Vegas Shooting Center will be closed for maintenance from Monday, March 24th, through Friday, March 28th. We’ll be back and ready for action on Saturday, March 29th!

Thank you for your patience — we can’t wait to see you back on the range!


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How Does a Double Action/Single Action Semi-Automatic Pistol Work?

Shoot a Semi-Automatic Pistol at Las Vegas Shooting Center

Pistols have come a long way since their inception, with more options now than ever before, such as the semi-automatic pistol, the auto-loading pistol and the reliable and revered revolver. Most people go with the a semi-automatic or an auto-loading handgun, but there are still some who swear by the revolver. And then there is the Double Action/Single Action semi-automatic pistol. It’s been around since 1928, but when it became the go-to operating system for guns used by members of the U.S. Army in 1985, its popularity soared. Here’s a look at how the gun operates:

The First Shot
There are two ways in which the first shot can be fired, which is one of the things that makes a DA/SA semi-automatic pistol so unique. It comes from a long, revolver-like double-action pull of the trigger. This cocks the hammer and then releases it. 

You can also manually cock the hammer first, which uses a single action. This reduces the pressure needed for a single-action pull by about 5-pounds of pressure because the gun is doing less of the mechanical work. 

The Subsequent Shots
Once the first shot has been fired from a Double Action/Single Action operating system, the gun essentially becomes a semi-automatic handgun. With each subsequent shot, the slide mechanism automatically cocks the hammer back. 

The Safety Mechanisms
There are three systems used in DA/SA semi-automatic pistols to help ensure your safety. The first uses a safety/decocking mechanism. When you’re using the single-action system, the slide mounted lever rotates down, dropping the hammer on a blocking mechanism safely and preventing it from firing a round. 

The second is a decock-only system that allows you to push down on a lever to safely decock the pistol on live rounds. But because it springs back into the ready position, it does not technically act as a safety. 

The third is a combination of the decocker and a manual safety system that makes it possible for you to carry the gun in either the DA/SA mode or cocked and locked with a manual safety on the single-action mode.

Try Shooting a Semi-Automatic Pistol

If you want to try shooting a semi-automatic pistol, Las Vegas Shooting Center has a great selection to choose from. Contact us today at 702-778-5872 to learn more about our guns or to schedule your range time.

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